I moved closer to the manual

And the glow grew brighter.  Alarmed by the change, I quickly retreated and the light dimmed.  I pushed Fin closer to see if the same thing happened.  He stumbled forward, grabbed his sword, and quickly turned to me yet again to defend himself.  Shrugging my shoulders, I gave him an apologetic look and gestured back to the manual which had remained dim.

I shifted closer to the table and the glow revitalized again.  Somehow, my movements controlled the manual's intensity.  Everyone in the room leaned in farther, like a haloed circle of heads, to inspect what was on the page.  Swirls of ink began to twist across the tattered parchment as if an invisible writer was creating in front of us!  Scrolled script from his magical quill began to take form.  When the ink clouds settled, and the script lay still, the letters spelled the name Giovani.

In disbelief, I shoved myself away from the manual and the cave immediately went dark.  A small flame grew out of the darkness.  It was hovering in the palm of Brochara’s hand, casting a faint glow under his face.  Nothing could have ever prepared me for what he whispered next, The manual found you, Adrastai.

What are you talking about?  Who and what is this Adrastai and how did the manual find me?" I moved closer to the manual, which was glowing again, as more ink clouds formed and settled across the page.An Adratsai is a knight: a person who is noble, a warrior who follows the code of chivalry. Brochara explained and then he pointed to a drawing in the manual.  This is the marking of the Order of St. John.  The new drawing was that of a dragon.The emblem is worn by all of the Adrastai, and it represents the nine virtues they live by.  The tail represents Strength; its head, Wisdom.  The right wing represents Hope, and the left Nobility.   The four feet are Courage, Determination, Justice and Mercy, and the dragon in its entirety stands for Light, as in Light over Darkness, especially TheStumpOnline.com when in flight.  It is no mistake that your parents named you Giovani, for it is another form of the name John.

Whoa, wait a minute! I interrupted, This is crazy.  John is a very common name and I don’t know anything about Adra, or whatever, and the only knights I know are the ones I’ve seen in the movies!  I am not the chosen one to save your world!  This is all a crazy dream...I know, it’s my head wound…I am in a coma somewhere and this is all a dream!  That’s it, maybe if I pinch myself hard enough… but before I could pinch myself I felt a pain in my butt.  I reeled around to see what bit me, only to find Fin standing there with his sword drawn again.One thousand apologies, Sire, but you were hysterical he said while bowing.

OUCH!  You and I are going to have a serious problem if you think stabbing or slicing me is going to... but Fin interrupted me and finished my sentence with get your focus, Sire?


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